Faswall for Home Building

Build your natural, non-toxic home with this remarkable wood-chip concrete building block

Faswall® can be used to build beautiful homes of any style, shape, or size with a multitude of stellar features and benefits.

  • Its unrivaled thermal properties make it highly energy efficient, which drastically reduces your heating and cooling costs.
  • It is incredibly simple to build with— ideal for DIY home construction.
  • It is made completely with organic and recycled materials— you do good for our planet while building well.
  • It does not degrade and is not susceptible to rot or insects. It is amazingly and can withstand anything that nature can dish out — from earthquakes to hurricanes. Your Faswall®-built legacy home will stand forever.
  • It inhibits mold growth, does not produce fume out-gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOC), and is sound proof for an exceptionally healthy and comfortable living environment.
  • It cannot burn or melt, and there is no release of toxic smoke from Faswall® walls during a fire. You can sleep better at night knowing your family is more protected from fire danger.

See pictures of Faswall®-built homes and read testimonials from our home builders.

See more Faswall® applications.

“We did a lot of research on various green building systems but settled on Faswall. Not only did it seem like the “greenest” technology, but the ease of building compared to other systems seemed like a good choice for an owner/builder. What we didn’t expect, but were totally delighted with, was how knowledgable and helpful the people at Faswall were. We couldn’t have done it without you!”

-Ted and Donna Havecheck

I Want To Get Started

Request Your Free Download "Get Started" Package:
includes: Design ideas, Product Data Sheet, Block Pricing, Technical and Installation Info, Engineering Details
Home Owner
Building Dept./Government

What can you build with Faswall®


Recent Projects Built with Faswall®


You’d be surprised at the various types of homes and commercial buildings that can be built with Faswall. Check out some of the recent projects..
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