The Faswall Cost Calculator

Plan Your Budget Without the Headache

Our cost calculator provides you, our customer, the opportunity to see rough estimates of what building with Faswall blocks may cost. These estimates are loosely calculated based on the information you provide about your project. Note, these estimates do not include shipping.

How to Use the Cost Calculator:

1. Input Your Dimensions

Get started by inputting your dimensions, this should include your average wall height, perimeter wall length, opening square footage and corners (both inside and outside corners). See below for dimension definitions.

2. Adjust As Needed

Our cost calculator responds to you in real-time. You are free to fine-tune your inputs and explore different building ideas. Simple modify your dimensions and watch as the overall cost estimate changes with them.

3. Receive Your Cost Estimate

Once you've entered your data, our cost calculator will provide you with a comprehensive estimate. Use this information to make informed decisions and plan your budget effectively.

Dimension Definitions

  • Average wall height - estimate the average height of your structure. Estimate the height for a one to three story structure.
  • Perimeter wall - estimate the total length of your perimeter wall. Include any specifics you wish.
  • Square footage of openings - this should include all expected windows, doors or other openings. It's safe to assume most building have a 10%-20% range.
  • Inside and outside corners - this section refers to any corners you may have in your floor plan. These corner blocks are priced differently.