We've Been Rebuilding After Fires for Years

Faswall ICF Blocks are The First Choice for Fire Reconstruction

Loss of a Home

Losing your home in an instant is one of the most devastating events one can go through.  If you are going to rebuild we have one of the highest fire rated materials one the market. Give us a call 855-558.4588

Faswall Can Help Build Back Better Than Before

No Toxic Smoke

Les murs Faswall® ne peuvent pas supporter un incendie et il n'y a pas de dégagement de fumée toxique des murs Faswall® lors d'un incendie.

Fire-Resistant Building Materials

No Material makes a “Fire-Proof Home”, but Faswall Walls come close. A home of one of our builders sustained an internal fire, which destroyed the inside belongings. But the wall system endured, making it possible to rebuild with the original Faswall® walls intact.

Rated to ASTM Standards

 4 hours with zero flame spread and no smoke development (ASTM C-119-88, E-84-89a; test done without insulation inserts)

Faswall ICF Blocks are Fire Resistant

Testing Faswall Fire Resistance

In this (not so scientific) test John took a propane torch and held the flame directly against a Faswall block for two minutes. The direct heat burned a tiny hole in the block, and made the insulating insert in the block smoke a little bit, but it didn’t catch on fire.

"This is obviously a hell of a lot more heat than any forest fire is going to deliver."

At the end of the test, John was able to lay his hand on top of the block because it had barely gotten warm. He placed his Faswall order soon thereafter to build in New Mexico.

A Faswall Fire Recovery Story

Building Back Stronger

"This house will be here in 300 years"

"Another bonus was that our insurance company would keep us insured with Faswall"

Faswall building blocks, made from a blend of wood and concrete, offer excellent fire and water resistance. They have a 4-hour fire rating, demonstrated by a test where a propane torch applied directly to a block for two minutes caused minimal damage and heat transfer. Additionally, a 10-year submersion test showed the blocks have high water resistance with little to no deterioration. These properties, combined with their pest resistance and eco-friendly composition, make Faswall a durable and sustainable building material suitable for various structures.

Guide du constructeur de maisons FEMA pour la construction dans les zones de feux de forêt

Technical Fact Sheet PDF from FEMA (Sep 2008)


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