Système de construction ICF sain et haute performance | Blocs Faswall

Des matériaux de construction sains pour des murs durables

Système de construction ICF sain et haute performance | Blocs Faswall

Faswall Home présenté sur le blog du magazine Oregon Home

Magazine d'accueil de l'Oregon a présenté une maison construite par Faswall dans un récent article de blog.

This Hood River home demonstrates many of the best things about Faswall. The blocks’ thermal mass keeps the structure warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The owner’s opted to use a green roof, which also helps with internal temperature control. Contractor Tom Reid with Conception de maison verte + construction in Hood River says it was easy to apply stucco inside and out. And the resulting home looks wonderful – something many people believe isn’t possible when you’re building a “green” building.

The article also mentions the fact that Faswall blocks are made with recycled wood and non-toxic cement. The recycled content of our blocks, coupled with the fact that they’re made of organic materials that will not off-gas into the home, makes them an even more eco-friendly building product.

The theme of Oregon Home’s most recent print magazine was “The Future of Housing.” It focused on new building technologies that are changing the way houses are built and maintained. We think Faswall is a great fit with this theme.

Thanks Oregon Home for thinking of us. If you’re interested in building a green, net zero or eco-friendly home, Contactez nous s'il vous plait pour savoir pourquoi Faswall est fait pour vous.

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