Sistema de construcción ICF saludable y de alto rendimiento | Bloques Faswall

Materiales de construcción saludables para muros sostenibles

Construcción de la Casa Neal 2011

Un blog personal sobre la construcción en el Área de la Bahía de California con Faswall.


“I’ve been very pleased so far with the ease of assembly and cutting blocks to form a straight and true wall.  The workers, who are skilled in carpentry and to a lesser extend masonry, seem to work with the new construction method with ease.  Even the electrician, who is more accustomed to rolling in on the job after the wood framed walls are up and running wire and attaching junction boxes most anywhere, is positive about working in the somewhat more constrained environment.  With only a couple of minor exceptions which can be repaired such that we’ll never know the difference, the electrical boxes have been installed very cleanly and tight in the Faswall blocks. Of course, we do not have the luxury of no/poor planning with regard to the locations of electrical outlets and switches that we would have had with wood framing.  We have to get it very close to right out of the gate which doesn’t seem to be a very difficult.  If we find we want to add or move something after the concrete is poured, we have somewhat limited ability in routing new wires or we’ll just have to live with it.  Afterall, keeping things simple is part of what we are trying to acheive in our lifestyle goals and fewer recepticals/switches means less material and waste.”


El sistema de suspensión de viguetas que se muestra aquí es una placa Simpson que se inserta a través de la pared del bloque Faswall y se incrusta en el anclaje de concreto.

Placas de libro mayor Simpson

Luego, el larguero se intercala entre los accesorios de suspensión y la placa con tornillos de rosca cortante (vea la foto a continuación). Los pernos que se muestran arriba de las placas son para sujetar el diafragma del contrapiso a las paredes de concreto reforzado con acero. Los pernos que se muestran arriba en la pared de bloques de CMU a la izquierda son para sujetar el larguero en esa pared. Aunque las placas Simpson son una solución sólida, son un poco más complicadas y costosas de instalar que los pernos en L.

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Propietario de Casa
Departamento de Construcción/Gobierno


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