Sistema de construcción ICF saludable y de alto rendimiento | Bloques Faswall

Materiales de construcción saludables para muros sostenibles

Sistema de construcción ICF saludable y de alto rendimiento | Bloques Faswall


What is a Stem Wall in Construction and When Do I Need One?

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In construction, stem walls are a part of the foundation of a building that plays a vital role in its structural integrity and insulation. Before embarking on your construction project, it’s essential to understand what a stem wall is, when … Sigue leyendo

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Impulsando la sostenibilidad: desde los elementos básicos ecológicos hasta el alojamiento web ecológico

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At Faswall, we believe in making environmentally conscious decisions that reflect our dedication to sustainability. Our commitment extends beyond merely providing eco-friendly ICF building materials; it’s about integrating sustainability into every facet of our operations. This is why we’ve chosen … Sigue leyendo

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¿Qué es un espacio de acceso acondicionado?

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Understanding What Is A Conditioned Crawl Space Right out of the gate, let’s answer the most pressing question – what is a conditioned crawl space? Conditioned crawl spaces, also known as unvented crawl spaces, closed crawl spaces, or sealed crawl … Sigue leyendo

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Nuestros materiales de construcción resistentes al moho son duraderos

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Faswall is part of a revolution in mold-resistant building materials and design choices for mold-free construction. To understand why Faswall is one of the best materials to have in your arsenal for mold-resistant building, we have to back up to … Sigue leyendo

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1,000,000 Bloques de Construcción Sencillos y Ecológicos

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Faswall is an eco-friendly, easy-to-use building system that creates sturdy, breathable walls and foundations. These trademarked blocks have been produced since 1987, and have been manufactured and distributed exclusively by ShelterWorks Ltd. in Philomath, Oregon, since 2008. This month, Faswall … Sigue leyendo

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Construya una Casa Sostenible que Esté Aprobada por el Código con Faswall

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Whether you’re starting a new home build, or looking to add sustainability to an existing structure, making sure your home is code-approved is essential for preventing hardships down the line. Using sustainable, high-performance building materials, eco-friendly home designs, and eco-efficient … Sigue leyendo

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¿Pueden los Materiales de Construcción Adecuados Mejorar la Calidad del Aire Interior?

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Many people overlook the importance of indoor air quality to their health and comfort in their home. A home that is damp can lead to a constant chilly feeling. IT can also increase allergies and general illness and a sense … Sigue leyendo

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ICCF vs ICF y Por qué es Importante

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ICF and ICCF are common abbreviations you’ll see when you start researching non-wood building materials. ICF stands for insulating concrete forms, and ICCF stands for insulating composite concrete forms. These materials are similar as the names suggest. But there are … Sigue leyendo

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Aislamiento no Tóxico

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Many people who want to build non-toxic homes struggle when it comes to choosing non-toxic insulation. Most of the energy used in your home is for heating and cooling. Both hot and cold air escapes easily when insulation is sub-par. … Sigue leyendo

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La transpirabilidad en las paredes es importante para su nuevo hogar

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Allowing for the release of vapor, breathability in walls is the ability to buffer moisture — to soak it up and then release it. Most people would agree that it is healthy to get some fresh air everyday. Opening your … Sigue leyendo

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